Narayan Gopal Memorial Award to be Conferred on Tara Devi and Ganesh Rasik

Published 2023 Dec 02 Saturday

Kathmandu: The Narayan Gopal Music Trust has announced that this year's 'Narayan Gopal Memorial Award' will be conferred posthumously on Tara Devi, known as Swor Kinnari, and renowned writer and singer Ganesh Rasik. The decision was made during a meeting chaired by the Trust's Chairperson, Usha Sherchan.

Tara Devi, born on Magh 2, 2002 BS, and associated with Radio Nepal for four decades, will be honored for her significant contributions to the music field over five decades. Having recorded more than 3500 songs during her lifetime, Tara Devi passed away on Magh 9, 2062 BS. Ganesh Rasik, a distinguished figure in Nepali art and literature, will be recognized for his dedicated service to music and literature spanning six decades.

The award ceremony is scheduled to take place on December 5, marking the 33rd Memorial Day of Swar Samrat Narayan Gopal. The Narayan Gopal Music Trust, established in 2047 BS, aims to preserve and promote the legacy of the legendary musician.

The posthumous honors for Tara Devi and the recognition of Ganesh Rasik underscore the enduring impact of their contributions to Nepali music and literature.
